Social Media in Real Estate: Navigating the Glam, the Spam, and Everything in Between

Ah, social media—where the houses are always perfectly staged, the agents are forever smiling, and everyone’s life looks like a glossy magazine cover. As a realtor, I know firsthand how social media has become both our best friend and our worst nightmare. It’s like the fancy dessert at the end of a meal: looks tempting, but indulge too much and you’re gonna have a stomach ache.

So, let’s chat about how to navigate the world of social media (amateur perspective).

1. The Real Estate Runway Show

We’ve all seen those jaw-dropping property posts with perfectly filtered photos, trendy music, and a smooth-talking realtor narrating the scene. These posts are like watching a real estate runway show—exciting, glamorous, and creatively inspiring.

But let’s be real. For every amazing property post, there are 10 that make you wonder if you need to redo your kitchen, buy a fancy drone, or hire a full-time social media manager. Before you start feeling like the black sheep of the real estate world, remember this: social media is a place to get creative, not competitive. Admire the creativity and innovation of others, and let it inspire your unique style and approach. I’ve had people ask if I only sell luxury houses depending on the trend of what I’m sharing on social media, as I message them back “haha, no” in a 40k investor special with a dead mouse next to my foot.

2. The Comparison Game: Monopoly Edition

Scrolling through social media can feel like playing a game of Monopoly, where everyone seems to be collecting properties, closing deals, and making bank. It’s easy to feel like you’re lagging behind, stuck on Baltic Avenue while others are chilling on Park Place.

But hey, real estate isn’t a game (even if we secretly wish it were). Every realtor’s journey is different, and that’s what makes this industry so exciting! Instead of getting caught up in comparisons, focus on your own properties, clients, and successes. Your personal touch and unique approach are what set you apart—and that’s your winning strategy.

3. When Social Media Turns Into the Wild West

Sometimes, social media can feel like the Wild West of the internet. You’ve got the keyboard cowboys, the armchair critics, and the occasional tumbleweed of misinformation rolling by. It’s easy to get distracted by the drama and noise, but don’t let it steer you off course.

Think of social media as your digital front porch. Keep it tidy, welcoming, and true to your brand. Use it as a space to showcase your expertise, share valuable insights, and connect with your audience on a genuine level. And when you encounter negativity? Just tip your hat, say “Thanks for stopping by!” and move on. First to admit that this is a fine line for myself and something I’ve struggled with for years - am I crazy for posting politics or is it even more insane of me not to use my voice? Hot take and there’s a fine line, perhaps in another blog.

4. The Art of Authenticity

In a world where everyone is trying to stand out, the most powerful tool you have is authenticity. Forget the filters and fancy editing tricks—your clients want to see the real you. Share your successes of what you really love not just your sold stats, and don’t be afraid to share the challenges, too. We’re all human.

Social media is just one part of your real estate toolkit. Use it to highlight your personality, your expertise, and your passion for helping clients find their greatest path to opportunity. By staying true to yourself, you’ll build a loyal following that values what you bring to the table.

Appreciate the creativity and innovation of others, but don’t lose sight of your unique style and approach. Stay focused on what you do best, and let your personality shine through.

So, the next time you’re scrolling through social media, remember to take it all with a grain of salt (or as flaky salt to your chocolate, just a little is great and you don’t need all the extra). After all, especially in the world of real estate, it’s all about the journey, not just the destination..




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